Praise God! He is risen!

We are proud to say that our first drive-thru communion service went very well. All in all, we saw 32 cars, and more than 90 of our members received the sacrament across our two-hour window!

We followed a brief service that included a short message, confession and absolution, a confession of faith, prayer, and of course, distribution of the Lord’s Supper.

Pastor and all of the elders close to the serving wore masks and kept their distance from the vehicles. We followed a preset plan that included intentional hand sanitization, keeping the elements covered at all times prior to distribution, and a cleaning regimen to disinfect each of our serving paddles between uses. We feel we took every reasonable precaution to ensure the safety of our members’ physical well-being while serving their spiritual well-being.

Given its success, the elders have decided to offer this again in a few weeks on Sunday, April 26th, from 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.

Thanks to our pastor and elders for organizing this to make the real presence of Christ intimately available to us even while we cannot enjoy the physical presence of the other members of the body of Christ.